Friday 24 November 2017

Mentoring! A solution characteristic in Talent Management

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Talent management is a key area of concern for most HR Mangers globally as it’s very much linked with the company’s business goals and strategies. The challenge is to find the right talent that is needed while developing the present employees talents to keep up with market and industrial trends.  It is said that ‘talent management is the process of ensuring that the organization has the talented people it needs to attain its business goals’ (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Most of all - Attaining, formally know as reaching or achieving will fulfill the company’s goals where profitability is made.

Furthermore, it has been highlighted that ‘Talent management contains strategies and protocols for the systematic attraction, identification, development, retention and deployment of individuals with high potential who are of particular value to an organization’.(Tansley and Tietze, 2013)  This speaks about identifying a single person or a set of people with the correct potential and who are value builders. But similarly we must understand that everyone is equally talented and everyone is contributing to achieve company’s set goals. As HR managers it is advisable to look at individual talents before planning any development, because if the purpose is retention of current employee talent then decisions must be made with transparency.

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When making such changing decisions Mentoring plays a mega role. Mentoring is a formal or informal relationship established between an experienced, knowledgeable employee and an inexperienced or new employee. The purpose of a mentor is to help the new employee quickly absorb the organization's Cultural and social norms. ‘A mentoring relationship is a win-win for all parties: the employee who seeks a mentor, the mentor, and organizations that employ the mentoring pair. Mentoring is also a powerful form of job training and can contribute experience, skills, and wisdom to a mentored employee to increase and expand employee development.’ (Heathfield, 2017)

As employees if you have been mentored by a knowledgeable current employee, where an automated processes of respect and trust is developed within you towards him or her. The more you believe the more you learn!. The mentoring person must support, coach, advice, motivate,explain goals and direct you. But it’s wise to remember to absorb what is only good for you! There are some incidences that the mentor will try to take advantage of your unknowings where you will be leaded to unpleasant situations. As said by heathfield ‘it a win-win situation’.

Armstrong, M and Taylor, S (2014) ‘A hand book of human resource management practice’, Kogan page, 13th ed, UK, pp 264-265.

Heathfield,S.M, ( 2017) the balance: The best employee development opportunities available in your workplace; Feb 15th, available at (accessed at 23rd November 2017 at 6.55 pm)

Tansley, C and Tietze, S (2013) Rites of passage through talent management stages: an identity work perspective, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24 (9), pp 1799–1815


  1. Replies
    1. See, the language was messed up there were sections that lacked clarity. The conclusion was not really upto mark Druvi suggest that the mentor may have hidden agenda did you think about that.

  2. Godd article to gain knowledge .keep it up

  3. Impressive article about mentoring keep it up

  4. Well structured and well analyzed essay well done

  5. Good analyzed regarding mentoring keep it up

    1. compare with be critical and look at what went well and what we wrong? Argue, compare and contrast Mr Raheem come on

  6. Impressive intel but one might argue that best way to manage talent is at the time of hiring as if we to have most talented employee there is no need to manage talent as talented employees will manage by themselves..

    1. Agreed with you! But we are speaking about retaining staff as well. Some employees maybe working for you for 5 to 6 years and if you need to push them up the ladder maybe you will need them to be mentored by someone. If it’s a new recruitment HR will have to look for the best balanced fit, but most of the time any new employee will need at least two weeks mentoring.

    2. good discussion mentoring is a process based on one on one therefore only the best or talent people get mentored. Also there will not be enough senior management time to mentor all people. As per experience workers they need to be effective managed by their immediate bosses to motivate and encourage them as they may not be part of the talent pool, Which rises the issue inclusive or exclusive model of talent

    3. Dr. We are not talking of mentoring all people. All people are taken in to discussion only in the paragraph where talent management is explained. (Tansley and Tietze, 2013) speaks about taking a few in to consideration. But what i'm trying to say is that every one is talanted in there own way...

  7. Replies
    1. You can be critical, you have to give development and constructive feedback. Good article, no there were many goof ups on it.

  8. Replies
    1. Can you actually give development feedback and what went wrong and what well right instead of good one Druvi

  9. I understand you where under tremendous pressure in the Domestic front with your spouse very ill and work pressure. What we try inculcate in a MBA class is for participants effective work under pressure and not under performan. Having said that my comments on your Essay is as follows basically am of the view that certain amount of negligence has crept into this essay.

    I have list the areas that require clarity and changes You should understand that its always the people who perform who get much of the Blame too. Those who dont work dont make mistakes

    Most of all - Attaining, formally know as reaching or achieving will fulfill the company’s goals where profitability is made. (this requires clarification what are you trying to say herein)

    "But similarly we must understand that everyone is equally talented and everyone is contributing to achieve company’s set goals. As HR managers it is advisable to look at individual talents before planning any development, because if the purpose is retention of current employee talent then decisions must be made with transparency". This is very long write short sentences In the first instance are you talking of Inclusive model. Talent pools are managed by Talent Managers. Talented people are high performers they are not mediocre performancers (remember Bell Curve) only 2.3% in the exclusive model. In the inclusive model its 97.6% Talent Pool. However rewrite that Paragraph

    When making such changing decisions Mentoring plays a mega role.( Is that Changing or Challenging can u clarify this one please) Also its Mentor /Mentee relationship

    The mentoring person must support, coach, advice, motivate,explain goals and direct you. But it’s wise to remember to absorb what is only good for you! There are some incidences that the mentor will try to take advantage of your unknowings where you will be leaded to unpleasant situations. ( A mentor is 3-4 times higher in the ladder his sense of responsibility a honor is such she will be sans any political or other agenda so I dont agree with what you say)

    1. Thank you very much for your comments Dr Rizvan. Mistakes are the best way of learning.
      I will correct my mistakes. Thank you for showing understanding for my family matter. But its not an excuse for me !

  10. As you have mentioned talent management is an important factor to be considered. And the major benefits of it are;
    • More Strategic Hiring.
    • Improved Employee Experience = Happier Employees.
    • Ability to Tap into the Expertise of Partners.
    • Access to Accurate Data Drives Smarter Business Decisions.

    1. please comment only on Druvi's essay and not personal views. Look if there are not issues, if the essay consist important elements on HR issues, examples and how it works in a global context.


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