Saturday 30 December 2017

Impact of Organizational Culture in contemporary context

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Organizational culture is known to be the social and psychological environment of a company or organization. The Culture of an organization can affect all areas of how the organization operates and how work gets done. It is said that ‘Most academics and practitioners studying organizations suggest the concept of culture is the climate and practices that organizations develop around their handling of people’ (Schein, 2004).

CIPD in 2011 conducted six case studies in to developing organization cultures in some of the top companies. One of them were The Art Council of England where ‘in 2003, nine regional and independent arts boards, each with their own boards, governance structures and ways of doing things, merged together into Arts Council England’ (CIPD, 2011). After the merger they set a new vision for the organization called ‘Great art for everyone’ (CIPD, 2011). The cultural modification activates was focused on the organizations formation. It is said that the ‘Company interventions focused on the organizational structure, embedding the new values and demonstrating leadership commitment for the culture change’ (CIPD, 2011).

Similarly, ‘London Barnet Housing Department brought-out a culture which is customer driven. This lean project was rolled out in 2009, which provides efficient and effective service’ (CIPD, 2011). The other companies taken into this study was Visa Europe which developed a peak performance culture, The Children’s trust Southampton towards a culture of partnership working, National Police improvement agency developing a customer focused culture and finally BNP Paribas building a business development culture were discussed (CIPD, 2011)  

Every organization has its distinct culture with a mixture made up by folks with special and different personalities, talents and individual goals. In a changing world with newer innovation leaders need to deal with ways to encourage employees to achieve company objectives while preserving organizational culture and values. When an organization culture changes takes place the most common scenario is the employee frustration and dissatisfaction which needs to be managed well.

The organization that I’m operational for the past eight years has gone through many changers. But the core culture which the company was built-on is always kept secured. Currently we have brought in an adaptive culture for the employees where they are encouraged with confidence and risk taking. This has given them an unknowing breezy opportunity to explore changers among them while focusing on the changing needs of the customers. This has been one of the successful contemporary cultural changes that we have adapted thus far.


CIPD, (2011). ‘Developing organization culture: Six case studies’. CIPD. June. Available at:  file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/developing-organisation-culture_2011-six-case-studies_tcm18-10885.pdf (accessed on 30th December 2017 at 10.30 am).

Schein, E.H. (2004) Organizational Culture and Leadership, Third edition, San Francisco:Jossey-Bass.


Impact of Organizational Culture in contemporary context

Google Images Organizational culture is known to be the social and psychological environment of a company or organization. The Cultur...