Saturday 30 December 2017

Impact of Organizational Culture in contemporary context

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Organizational culture is known to be the social and psychological environment of a company or organization. The Culture of an organization can affect all areas of how the organization operates and how work gets done. It is said that ‘Most academics and practitioners studying organizations suggest the concept of culture is the climate and practices that organizations develop around their handling of people’ (Schein, 2004).

CIPD in 2011 conducted six case studies in to developing organization cultures in some of the top companies. One of them were The Art Council of England where ‘in 2003, nine regional and independent arts boards, each with their own boards, governance structures and ways of doing things, merged together into Arts Council England’ (CIPD, 2011). After the merger they set a new vision for the organization called ‘Great art for everyone’ (CIPD, 2011). The cultural modification activates was focused on the organizations formation. It is said that the ‘Company interventions focused on the organizational structure, embedding the new values and demonstrating leadership commitment for the culture change’ (CIPD, 2011).

Similarly, ‘London Barnet Housing Department brought-out a culture which is customer driven. This lean project was rolled out in 2009, which provides efficient and effective service’ (CIPD, 2011). The other companies taken into this study was Visa Europe which developed a peak performance culture, The Children’s trust Southampton towards a culture of partnership working, National Police improvement agency developing a customer focused culture and finally BNP Paribas building a business development culture were discussed (CIPD, 2011)  

Every organization has its distinct culture with a mixture made up by folks with special and different personalities, talents and individual goals. In a changing world with newer innovation leaders need to deal with ways to encourage employees to achieve company objectives while preserving organizational culture and values. When an organization culture changes takes place the most common scenario is the employee frustration and dissatisfaction which needs to be managed well.

The organization that I’m operational for the past eight years has gone through many changers. But the core culture which the company was built-on is always kept secured. Currently we have brought in an adaptive culture for the employees where they are encouraged with confidence and risk taking. This has given them an unknowing breezy opportunity to explore changers among them while focusing on the changing needs of the customers. This has been one of the successful contemporary cultural changes that we have adapted thus far.


CIPD, (2011). ‘Developing organization culture: Six case studies’. CIPD. June. Available at:  file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/developing-organisation-culture_2011-six-case-studies_tcm18-10885.pdf (accessed on 30th December 2017 at 10.30 am).

Schein, E.H. (2004) Organizational Culture and Leadership, Third edition, San Francisco:Jossey-Bass.

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Changing Trends in HRM the Global Perspective

The world is changing in many ways; the past twenty years have changed so much starting from global climate changers to technological, business, transportation, social and even cultural changers. Similarly Human Resources Management also has had its own part of change from the conventional practice. It was stated that ‘Over the last thirty years HR organizations have gone through several transformations, moving form an operational role (the ‘Personal department’) to one of HR as a service centre to one focused on driving talent outcomes’ (Bersin, 2015)

Technology and Globalization are main areas where HRM have being increasingly effected, it is noted that this two areas are having direct effects on the nature of work performed. Business in today’s world does not have any boundaries or area demarcations, but it can be reached to every corner of the world in a blink of a second.  It was said that ‘Information and communication technologies has opened up new channels of communications and transformed business models in some industries, creating new services and new jobs (such as social media consultants). Information and communication technologies have also facilitated the outsourcing of work overseas as well as enabling more employees in the UK to work remotely’ (CIPD, 2013). As HR Mangers adopting to such ICT changers is a challenging task. It’s important to train individuals (Employees) to meet the challenges of globalization and infuse them with new technology so that the company business goals are met.

Gareth Williams the Global HR Director at Travelex UK, writing to CIPD explains the success he has had after infusing Cloud technology in to the business.  He writes as ‘I now have the team supporting the cloud technology solutions that runs the optimized operational HR process, the benefit of using cloud is that it is highly adaptive and changers can be made within seconds. In my organization HR mangers and HR partners both go to work with armed technology and this is the very reason we were able to win the NimbusNinety Cloud innovation Award as the most innovative application of cloud in the enterprise’ (Williams, 2015)

Finally, the role of a HR Manager is sprouting with the vast changes in competitive market environment and it involves a more strategic role in the success of an organization. The designation change from Chief HR Officer to the New Chief change officer its self explains the perspectives. It is said that ‘HR Professionals as change agents have the responsibility to ease the charges in the organization and protect employees’ (Ulrich and Brockbank, 2005). I have personally experienced the changes taking place over the past eight years in the organization I work for. Daily reports to sales invoicing and filed staff tracking are mobile based which saves lodes of time in my day to day work. 

Bersin, J (2015). ‘A modern HR operating model: the world has changed’. CIPD, February. Available at: (accessed on 20th December 2017 at 12.12 pm, p. 5-7.

CIPD. (2013). ‘Megatrends: The trends shaping work and working lives’. CIPD.  Available at: (accessed on 20th December 2017 at 11.00 am.

Ulrich, D and Brockbank, W. (2005). ‘ The HR value proposition’, Boston,MA: : Harvard Business School Press.

Williams, G (2015), ‘Cloud technology in the operating Model’. CIPD. February. Available at: (accessed on 20th December 2017 at 12. 15pm, p.18-19

Sunday 10 December 2017

Contemporary Performance Management Practice in a global Context

Performance management is the process or an activity of developing a working environment where people are able to perform to their maximum abilities. The aim of this process is to maintain and improve employee performances in line with organizations objectives.  It’s also a system that starts when a job is distinct as a needed job function to the organization. This continues process take place until the employee leaves the organization or resign from his or her employment.

Its better defined by Armstrong as , ‘Performance Management is the continuous process of improving performance by setting goals that are aligned to the strategic goals of the organization, planning performance to achieve the goals, reviewing progress, and developing the knowledge , skills and  abilities of people (Armstrong, 2016).
 ‘In Summary Some of the main tools used in performance management are, setting clear objectives, Performance ratings, Performance appraisals and feedback, learning and development and Performance related pay’ (CIPD,2017).

Many companies globally have shown importance to performance management, ‘In 2012, Deloitte uncovered the fact that 2 million hours a year were spent completing forms in their company. They also carried out a survey that reflected that 58% of the HR execs believed the existing performances management system didn’t drive engagement of performance. In reaction, the organization massively revamped their approach to performance management and   introduced Snapshot, an app- Based management system’ (Heran, 2016). Furthermore Heran explains that employee’s feedback was collected through this app on five key aspects as, Business acumen, global acumen, technical capability, leadership skills and relationships.

The well known electrical company, General Electrical's used to have a very infamous performance management system known as “Rank and Yanks. In this system the employees were rated in the annual performance review and the bottom 10% was fired. But currently the company have aborted this system and developed an App called Performance Development at GE, (PD@GE). This app has helped employees and mangers communicate regularly where it has helped the HR department save a lot of time in conducting annual performance reviews (Heran, 2016).
An article written by peter Cappelli and Anna Taris to the Harvard Business review explains the global changers that organizations are adopting into performance management practices. They explain that company's like Adobe, Juniper Systems, Dell, Microsoft, IBM, Deloitte, Accenture, GAP have given up the traditional appraisal systems and replacing with frequent, informal check-ins between managers and employees (Cappelli and Taris, 2016)

Finally, Contemporary Performance Management Practice in a global Context is taking its stand in many top corporate's worldwide. It is advisable to look at these global changes and the impacts this corporate's are having after such changes. So far the development of such newer practices have proven to be much effective than the conventional systems used before. The company that I work for is still using the conventional appraisal systems which is very complicated and time consuming.   HR mangers globally have agreed that using newer technology in conducting appraisals have saved them a lot of time.


Armstrong, M. (2016). ‘Armstrong’s Handbook of Management and Leadership for HR’.  4th Ed. New York: Kogan page, pp 86-87.

Cappelli, P and Travis, A. (2016) ‘The performance management revolution’.  Harvard Business review, October. Available at : (Accessed on 11th December 2017).

CIPD. ( 2017). ‘Performance management : an Introduction’. CIPD.  Available at: (accessed on 12th December 2017 at 3.33 pm).

Hearn, S. (2016). ‘How top companies are redefining performance management’ The Social work place. 18th May. Available at: (accessed on 12th December 2017 at 9.02 am)

Impact of Organizational Culture in contemporary context

Google Images Organizational culture is known to be the social and psychological environment of a company or organization. The Cultur...