Monday 30 October 2017

Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) and Global Challengers

Continuing form last week’s blog Definition to HRM, This week we will converse regarding

Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) and Global Challengers 

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‘An approach to the development and implementation of HR strategies that are integrated with business strategies and support their Achievement’ (Armstrong, 2014)

‘Strategic human resource management (strategic HRM) defines how the organization’s goals will be achieved through people by means of HR strategies and integrated HR policies and practices’. (Accessed at 2.30pm on 29/10/2017)

‘How the employment relationship for all employees can be managed in such way as to contribute optimally to the organization’s goal achievement’ (Alvesson, 2009:52)

It explains that SHRM is a Move forward action where support is provided to the company in mounting and implementing Human Resource Strategies which will be incorporated and lined with the company’s business strategy so that HR can support the Achievements and Goals in Harmony.
It’s important for HR mangers to have clear understanding and a vast knowledge about the company’s future and current plans. Failing to do so will have drawbacks in achieving company goals, lost of Trust, De-motivated employees, Loss of Integrity, Loss of Profits, Etc. This can lead to Termination of Employment of HR Manger or Director.  Looking at the repercussions by filing to be the proper HR Manager, everyone wants to be the best by shifting their paradigms and being updated with the current trends.

Recently it was spoken by Karen Higginbottom who is a freelance journalist for forbs magazine about the “Top Challenges Facing HR Directors of Global Firms In 2017

She Speaks about the challengers that HR Directors and Managers will face in 2017 where Uncertainty have evolved because of the external Environmental factor , such as the political factors that took place in 2016 with Mr. Trump being president in US to the Brexit. Furthermore she explains that the term VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) have become a trendy management term.

We should understand that the global trends and global markets will be affected by uncontrollable external environmental factors that will directly affect HRM. But always sticking to the fundamentals of HRM while finding solutions within the problem using SHRM techniques, shifting different thinking paradigms and most importantly being a positive thinking HR Manager / Director will help get out of this situations.

“We believe that understanding the fundamental changes impacting the world of work is the first step towards preparing for them- and ultimately leveraging them for competitive advantage,” Wrote SHRM foundation executive Director Mark Schmit.

 The fundamentals of Strategic HRM (Armstrong, 2014)

·         It’s Forward looking  approach

A forward looking approach in SHRM is what HR Mangers thinks about the future and the challengers they might face or have a set of contemporary ides that will counterpart with the organizations goals. It was discussed how external pressure can be changing in making the correct dissections. 
  “There will be much more political pressure on HR directors to show that their organization does a lot of localization, transferring more skills and operations into host country operations. (Forbes, 2016 December 28th)

·         The Recognition and resource capability

 In addition, to formulate any strategy, the organization must evaluate its resources and capabilities. This is a fundamental part of SHRM, where it connects with the bottom-line or the primary objective of organizational profitability.
“Southwest Airlines’ founder Herb Kelleher understood this well. He grasped that in order to execute their low-cost strategy better than anyone else; the company did not need better people, but better internal processes, which fostered cooperation, informal coordination and a strong corporate culture among employees. Typically, Southwest’s recruitment strategy is not organized around the well-worn principle of “hiring the best and brightest from the country’s top schools” but focused on identifying otherwise perfectly normal people who can be socialized into their company’s particular culture and systems. It is such careful internal processes, diligently built over the course of many years that eventually culminate into superior performance”. (Vermeulen, F, 2017.What next for Corporate HR. Forbes 18 Sep)

·         Strategic fit

Furthermore finding the best strategic fit that will make the correct mixture between HR strategies and the organizational strategies that will be in one align.  In accumulation strategies are formulated throughout the evolving and resilient process of developing the right formula for the right direction while making the best use of all resources. (Accessed at 4.00 pm on 30/10/2017)

Aim’s of SHRM
‘Is to Generate organizational capabilities by ensuring that the organization has skilled, Engaged, Committed  and well motivated employees it needs to achieve sustained competitive  advantage’ (Armstrong, 2014)

This defines that all organizations are looking to develop their capabilities by having employees who are Skilled in their job rolls, who are fully occupied to the functions given to them, who are dedicated to the job and who are well motivated or aggravated, where the organization will achieve continuous competitive advantage and growth. In addition SHRM need to Achieve Integration while providing proper Direction so that the organization can formulate business strategy in synchronization.

To be continued,


  1. Pocket full of knowledge. Impressive!

  2. Well done Druvi...excellent .keep it up

  3. Druvi, The effort put in to research and learning is outstanding, you have defined described and spoke of the importance of SHRM and the different types. Still didnt work on some statistics and one or two global examples. While you have used great references like forbes, its still better to use them sparing and bring in Academic Journal based references. Please work on writing the references according to your Quick Guide.

  4. Thank you Dr Jaldeen for the inspirational words. Will certainly show much improvement on the next.

  5. Thank you prathap and pathum for your comments

  6. You critically argue on SHRM and you read a lots good

  7. Nowadays the.m global challenges in HRM are in a hike due to the stiff competition in the subject. It’s worth to indetrsgand the base of SHRM as well as the trending chalenges. Good article Druvi..

  8. This is very educational content and written well for a change. It's nice to see that some people still understand how to write a quality post! human causes of climate change


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